I made again a card of one of my old calendars by Marjolein Bastin. I made this to Elle after noticing that also she likes Marjolein Bastin, like I do.
This is the cover of the card
and this is how it looks when it is opened
(the crease goes in the middle of the undermost sunflower).
I decorated also the envelope by using pieces of the calendar.
This again is the letter which I then got back from Elle.
- She used a notepaper by Marjolein. :-)
I love her envelope with the Snow Drops postage and decoration!
She also sent a card which she had made of a picture of an artwork by Edith Holden (1871-1920).
The backside of the card is decorated by a Marjolein Bastin sticker.
And this beautiful card she had made of snowy pictures at her Heart's Ease Cottage.
- I really got happy of this delivery! -